Sistemática, Biogeografía, Ecología del comportamiento y Evolución

Basque Government. Research Groups (Years 2019-2021).

Control poblacional e intento de erradicación del caracol boquinegro (Otala lactea).

Supporting Institutions: Junta de las Bardenas Reales. (years 2019-2020).

Study of the intraspecific variability of the french populations of Trissexodon constrictus.

Supporting Institutions: Autoroutes du Sud de la France (ASF). (years 2019-2020).

Seguimiento de las poblaciones de caracol blanco (Iberus alonensis) en Bardenas Reales (finalización de su ciclo biológico). 

Supporting Institutions: Junta de las Bardenas Reales. (years 2018-2019).

Estudio del estado de conservación de Elona quimperiana (Mollusca: Gastropoda) en las Zonas de Especial Conservación de Álava: ZEC Gorbeia (ES2110009), ZEC Arkamo-Gibijo-Arrastaria (ES2110004) y ZEC Gorbeia (ES2110009).

Supporting Institutions: Diputación Foral de Álava, Diputación Foral de Bizkaia. (year 2017).

Determinación del linaje de la población invasora de caracol manzana (Pomacea sp.) en el curso bajo del río Ebro.

Supporting Institutions:  PALEOYMAS

Study of the autochthonous land snails from Bardenas Reales Natural Park

Supporting Institutions: Junta de Bardenas Reales (Years 2015-2017)

Participant Institutions: Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU, Universidad de Sevilla

European Species Assessments (European Red List of Terrestrial Molluscs)

Supporting Institutions: IUCN Regional Office for Pan-Europe (Years 2015-2016)

Participant Institutions: IUCN, International Union for the Conservation of Nature

Monitoring of apple snail populations in the low Ebro River

Supporting Institutions: CHE, Confederación Hidrográfica del Ebro (Years 2014-2015)

Participant Institutions: University of the Basque Country, PALEOYMÁS

Conservation of the fauna of European importance in the Natura 2000 network protected areas of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga rivers basins

Supporting Institutions: Life + Nature (European Commission, Environment). LIFE12 NAT/ES/001091

Participant Institutions: European Commission, Generalitat de Catalunya, Consorci del Estany de Banyoles, Forestal Catalana, Ajuntament de Banyoles, Diputació de Girona. Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU

Systematics, Biogeography and Populations Dynamics

Supporting Institutions: Basque Government. Research Groups (Years 2013-2018)

Biogeography, evolutive processes and speciation in terrestrial molluscs of the circumediterranean area.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) (Year 2013)

Delimitation of the areas occupied by the species of terrestrial mollusks included within the Habitats Directive (Vertigo moulinsiana and V. angustior) in the lacustrine area of l’Estany de Banyoles.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Consorci del Estany (Years 2010-2011)

European Species Assessment (Red List of Terrestrial Molluscs). Supporting Institutions: IUCN Regional Office for Pan-Europe (Year 2010)

Establishment of the ecological bases for the management of terrestrial mollusc species of Community interest in Spain.

University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), TRAGSEGA, and Ministry of Environment of Spain (Year 2009-2010)

Atlas of invertebrates from Spain. Subproject dedicated to the testacean land mollusks. Vulnerable species.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and CIBIO Institute of the University of Alicante (Year 2009-2010)

Molecular systematics and evolution of Helicoidea (Gastropoda, Stylommatophora) from the Western Palearctic.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), University of Seville, Complutense University of Madrid, Valencian Museum of Natural History (MVHN) and Ministry of Science and Innovation, Government of Spain (Years 2008-2011)

Determination of Theodoxus species present in Valencian Community by molecular and morpho-anatomical analysis.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), Torres-Sala Foundation and Valencian Community Government (Year 2008-2009)

Atlas of threatened invertebrates in Spain and their interest in conservation: Testacea and Mollusca. Endangered Species.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and CIBIO Institute of the University of Alicante (Year 2006-2007)

Molecular systematics, taxonomy and phylogeny of Helicodontidae (Gastropoda: Pulmonata: Helicoidea).

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), University of Seville, Complutense University of Madrid, Valencian Museum of Natural History (MVHN) and Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Spain (Years 2005-2008)

Molecular systematics and phylogeny of Trissexodontinae (Gastropoda, Helicoidea).

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Years 2004-2006)

Determination of the distribution, ecology and habitat use of the pine marten (Martes martes) in Alava by DNA analysis.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), EHIZA association and Government of the Basque Country (Years 2003-2005)

Phylogeny and biogeography of the genus Pyrenaearia (Mollusca: Gastropoda): determination of congruence of the sequence of the 16S rDNA fragment relative to the morphology of the species and the sequence of the COI.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Year 2003)

Phylogeography of the genus Iberus (Gastropoda: Helicidae) established by comparative morphology studies and mitochondrial DNA sequencing.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), University of Seville, Complutense University of Madrid and Ministry of Science and Technology, Government of Spain (Years 2002-2005)


Application of specific molecular markers for the study of the biology of the woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) and its hunting management.

University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Hunting Federation of Basque Country (Year 2008)

Genetic characterization of grey partridge populations (Perdix perdix hispaniensis) of Catalonian Pyrenees supporting the captive breeding program of Esterri dÁneu facilities.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Government of Catalonia (Year 2006)

Development and application of specific molecular markers for the study of the biology of the woodcock (Scolopax rusticola) and his hunting management.

University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and FEDENCA, Foundation for the Study and Protection of Nature and Hunting (Years 2005)

Characterization of grey partridge breeding (Perdix perdix) stock from the captive breeding center Esterri d’Aneu by analysis of mitochondrial DNA.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Government of Catalonia (Year 2005)


Desarrollo y aplicación de una metodología basada en el estudio del ADN ambiental, que permita caracterizar las comunidades de anfibios en el término municipal de Vitoria-Gasteiz en aras de su gestión y conservación.

Supporting Institutions: CEA, Centro de Estudios Ambientales de Vitoria-Gasteiz (2019-2020)

Monitorización de la comunidad de anfibios mediante metabarcoding de ADN ambiental

Supporting Institutions. Gobierno Vasco. Departamento de Medio Ambiente 2019-2020

Molecular characterization of Rana pyrenaica a threatened amphibian endemic to the Pyrenees, implications for its conservation.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Society of Sciences Aranzadi and Government of the Basque Country, Department of Education, Universities and Research (Years 2008-2009)


Servicios ecosistémicos de los murciélagos y su papel como supresores de plagas agrícolas: una aproximacion metodológica y aplicada.

Supporting Institutions. Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación. 2020-2023

Sistemática, Biogeografía, Ecología del comportamiento y Evolución

Basque Government. Research Groups (Years 2019-2021).

Determinación del origen (Lobo/Perro) e identificación individual de las muestras no invasivas de lobo recolectadas en La Rioja durante 2019.

Supporting Institutions: Gobierno de La Rioja (years 2019-2020).

Distribution, environmental niche modeling and reassessment of the conservation status of the Eurasian otter (Lutra lutra, Linnaeus, 1758) in the Basque Country.

Supporting Institutions: Government of the Basque Country (Year  2016)

Individual genetic identification of Canis lupus specimens collected in the Bikaia Historial Territory through the application of molecular markers (microsatellites)

Supporting Institutions:  Provincial Government of Bizkaia (Year  2016)

Method design for genetic individualization of La Rioja wolf samples through microsatellites

Supporting Institutions:  Provincial Government La Rioja (Years  2015)

Review of the genetic studies made on the European mink

Supporting Institutions:  Provincial Government of Navarra (Year  2013)

Implementing noninvasive methodologies to the management and conservation of wild species

Supporting institutions: Government of the Basque Country (SAIOTEK Programme) (Year 2013)

Noninvasive monitoring of wolf populations in Álava. Individual identification from fecal samples.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2012)

Noninvasive monitoring of wolf populations in Álava. Individual identification from fecal samples.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2010)

Sequencing of mitochondrial DNA for the determination of the genetic lineage of beavers introduced in the rivers Ebro and Aragon.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Government of Aragon (Year 2010)

Monitoring the distribution of species within sympatric genus Martes (M. martes and M. foina) in Navarra by non-invasive genetic methods.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Navarra (Years 2009-2010)

Determination of species origin (wolf / dog) using noninvasive samples collected in Álava. Genetic individualization of wolf samples.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2009)

Molecular monitoring of otter populations (Lutra lutra) in Alava province by noninvasive sampling.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Years 2009-2010)

Study of ecological connectivity in the CAPV. Landscape Genetics applied to a target species included in the Network of Ecological Corridors: European pine marten (Martes martes).

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and IKT-Euskadi (Years 2008-2009)

Study of the hybridization between European mink populations with polecat.

University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2007)

Molecular characterization of European mink populations (Mustela lutreola). Action derived from the management species plan.

University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2006-2007)

Study of the polymorphism of the western population of European mink by microsatellites.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2005)

Development of specific microsatellites panel for European mink (Mustela lutreola).

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), National Museum of Natural Sciences (NMHN-CSIC), TRAGSA, and Ministry of Environment of Spain (Year 2004)

Development of molecular markers for specific application to the study of the biology of the European mink (Mustela lutreola) and its management.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN-CSIC) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2003)


Estación fluvial Iruña de Oca (EFIO)

Supporting Institutions. Gobierno Vasco, Ur Agentzia (Agencia Vasca del Agua). (years 2019-2020).

Participant Institutions: Gobierno Vasco, Ayuntamiento de Iruña de Oca, Universidad del País Vasco.

Certificación de la naturaleza autóctona de las truchas del río Oja estabuladas en Brieva de Cameros.

Supporting Institutions: Gobierno de La Rioja (year 2019)

Genetic characterization of Bizkaian populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by PCR-RFLP technique using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Bizkaia (Year 2013)

Genetic characterization of Bizkaian populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by PCR-RFLP technique using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Bizkaia (Year 2012)

Genetic characterization of populations of gudgeon (Gobio gobio) in the Basque Autonomous Community by mitochondrial DNA sequencing.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Basque Government (Year 2002)

Genetic characterization of Gipuzkoan populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by PCR-RFLP technique using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Gipuzkoa (Year 2001, 2002, 2003)

Genetic characterization of Biscay populations of brown trout (Salmo trutta) by PCR-RFLP using nuclear and mitochondrial DNA.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Bizkaia (Years 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010)


Estación fluvial Iruña de Oca (EFIO)

Supporting Institutions. Gobierno Vasco, Ur Agentzia (Agencia Vasca del Agua). (2019-2020

Participant Institutions: Gobierno Vasco, Ayuntamiento de Iruña de Oca, Universidad del País Vasco.

Conservation of the fauna of European importance in the Natura 2000 network protected areas of the Ter, Fluvià and Muga rivers basins

Supporting Institutions: Life + Nature (European Commission, Environment). LIFE12 NAT/ES/001091

Participant Institutions: European Commission, Generalitat de Catalunya, Consorci del Estany de Banyoles, Forestal Catalana, Ajuntament de Banyoles, Diputació de Girona. Universidad del País Vasco, UPV/EHU

Systematic, biogeography and population dynamics.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Government of the Basque Country (Years 2013-2018)

Implementing noninvasive methodologies to the management and conservation of wild species

Government of the Basque Country (SAIOTEK Programme) (Year 2013)

Development of methodologies for noninvasive monitoring of carnivores in the CAPV using DNA studies and GIS modeling.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Government of the Basque Country SAIOTEK (Years 2010-2012)

Systematic, biogeography and population dynamics.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Government of the Basque Country (Years 2010-2012)

Definition of the list of wildlife species that need an ecological corridor.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU), IHOBE and Government of the Basque Country, Department of Environment (Year 2010)

Development of a Technical Management Plan Hunting for Gorbea Natural Park.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Years 2009-2010)

Development and application of molecular markers for the study, management and conservation of wildlife.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) (Years 2007-2009)

Study for the construction of an ichthyologic center for threatened species of Alava. Action derived from the Salaria fluviatilis management plan.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Year 2007)

Study of the ichthyologic fauna of Sites of Community Importance (SCIs) in the province of Alava. Contribution to the conservation and improvement of river habitat.

Supporting Institutions: University of the Basque Country (UPV / EHU) and Provincial Government of Alava (Years 2002-2005)